International routes - Lithuania - Ukraine - FAQ

Are bus departures guaranteed?
Yes, there are.
Are reservations required? Can I buy direct from the driver?
Reservations are recommended in order to guarantee a seat, but you can also purchase from the driver if seats are still available.
How much does the ticket cost?
A ticket from Vilnius to Kiev costs 60 €
Any discounts for students?
Any discounts for elderly or people with reduced mobility?
Do I have to pay more if I want to take more than one piece of baggage with me?
No. No extra baggage charges. If passengers wish to carry more than two pieces, carriage is subject to space.
How much does a ticket for a child cost?
Children up to 4 years do not need a ticket if they do not occupy an extra seat.
Can I book a seat by phone? What is the phone number?
No, the only way to purchase a ticket is via the internet at

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